Last sight.


That’s what they were.

For themselves and for each other.

Indeed, romantic and passionate it would’ve been.


Only if it weren’t for the eloquent expression of regret between those caressing lips.

Tears and muffled cries only silenced by their heart’s lament.

For they had only one night. 

A night where their worlds met.

A night when they could forget the looming dawn that’d tear them apart. 

A single night… 

For one last sight.



Sometimes a simple embrace does miracles.

It might bring down someone’s walls.

It might even make them reconsider…

Reconsider dying.

It might lessen their pain.

It might bring their pain out in the form of tears. 

It might even bare their heart and emotions.


Take me away,
Far, far away from here.
Over the lush green meadows
Over the woods of freedom
Where no restrictions ever shewed themselves
No one to stop my gallop;
No one to induce my tears
No one to bind and cage me
No responsibilities
To stop my flight.
Take me away,
Away from this crushing pain
Away from this façade.
To a place warm and happy;
To a tender voice
Which wouldn’t cage me in the name of love;
Away from this, it’s too much to take
It all ends with you.
Come to me;
And let’s disappear together.


Irresistible. Inevitable.
Irreplaceable. Irrevocable.
Fragile and delicate; akin to crystals;
Beau is it like a gentle hymn;
Rocking thou like the coral sea.
Yet, take heed, for one false move
And deserted you are with your memories.
Planned must be the actions;
For it is in reality, a rake guised as a beau.

Fairy tales

Nothing ever happens like they show in the movies.

Nothing ever happens like it happens in the fairy tales.

No magical powers; No extraordinary prowess.

No prince charming; No perfect princess.

Only generic life. Struggling to make money; To have enough food to feed our own children.

Loving and hating; And then loving some more.

Loving an imperfect other;

Hoping they complete you.

Accepting their faults, shortcomings.

Living this short life; Each with a purpose of their own.

Somewhere in the midst realizing what really matters; And how blessed we are.

This is life.

Let’s not give it up as easily because nothing’s perfect.

Let’s not give it up for someone or something that’s not worth it.


‘One day…’

‘One fine day in the future maybe,’ she replied, half smiling.

‘But why not now?’ Her friend persisted and pressed.

She didn’t reply.

‘Hello? I’m talking to you. I’m asking you why you can’t forget her already. She already got herself a new best friend, why can’t you see that?’ her friend fumed.

Sighing, she replied, ‘How can you ever imagine to forget someone who once owned a part of your heart, happiness, joy and life?’

Dumbstruck, her friend watched as a single tear adorned her flushed cheek.

Moving on

Laughing, smiling faces, captured in a frame;

Frozen akin to statues in time

Love overwhelmingly evident

Watching each other’s backs

Smirking and defying every rule

Discovering life and discovering us,

Catching the stars, seizing the impossible;


But… Three years and in flew adulthood.

And you?

You were gone.

Leaving no hint, no cipher.

Lost. I was lost without you.

Should I beg? Should I cry? Should I request?

Even if I did…

It would be to no avail.

Life moved on…

It’s time for me too.

I hope you read this one fine day;

And the dripping love from my eyes opens yours.

Remember me, my friend.

Remember me; even though we both moved on.

For my friend, M, who is no longer a part of my life even though I did love her. She…was the closest thing to a sister. I screwed up. I hope you forgive me one day and remember me.


“Hey… Say…”


“I wonder what this life really is about… I mean what does the word life mean anyway? Both literally and figuratively,” the dazzling moon reflected and shone in his eyes as he spoke.

His boyfriend chuckled.

“Getting philosophical all of a sudden, are we, darling?”

He was bedazzling to look at. The moon seemed to almost lend him his luminosity.

Brushing his hair out of his eyes, he whispered;

“Life holds a different meaning to each of us, love. It’s never the same to two people. Just like you give meaning to my life and writing gives to yours.”

Race of life

Sitting under a cherry blossom tree, away from this race of life, looking over the world as it passes by, as people fall in and out of love, hate, appreciate, heal, resent, rejoice and live out their short lives. Of course, with a book and some music to keep me company.238274-Tony-Robbins-Quote-The-race-of-life-is-a-marathon-not-a-sprint


Choking breaths,

Panting heart.

Silver clouds above humming and comforting;

Akin to caress of a mother

When the heart screams

And the anguish comes out

On the silent night;

Unbeknownst to everyone.

The image and the memories,

Haunting me, reminding me of you.

Bittersweet is this friendship;

Come back to me soon;

For I miss you.